Python Scripting Projects

Band Name Generator

Generates unique band names based on user input.
Simple and easy-to-use command-line interface.
Provides a fun way to come up with creative names for bands or other projects.

Tip Calculator

Calculates the total amount to be paid by each person.
Includes a user-defined tip percentage.
Simple and interactive command-line interface.

Love Calculator

Calculates a compatibility percentage between two names.
Simple and interactive command-line interface.
Fun and entertaining for users.

Treasure Island

Interactive text-based adventure game. Multiple scenarios and choices leading to different outcomes.
Engaging and fun way to practice Python programming.

Rock Paper Scissor Game

Play the classic Rock Paper Scissors game against the computer.
Simple and interactive command-line interface.
Randomized computer choices for a fair game.

Password Name Generator

Generates strong and unique passwords. Allows customization of password length.
Simple and interactive command-line interface.

Hangman Game

Play the classic Hangman game.
Simple and interactive command-line interface.
Random word selection for each game. Displays the number of attempts left and the current state of the word.

Caesar Cipher

Encrypts and decrypts messages using the Caesar Cipher technique.
Allows customization of the shift value. Simple and interactive command-line interface.

Secret Auction Game

Simulates a secret auction with multiple users.
Collects bids anonymously and reveals the highest bidder at the end.
Simple and interactive command-line interface.


Performs basic arithmetic operations: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Simple and interactive command-line interface.
Handles invalid inputs gracefully.

Number Guessing Game

Generates a random number within a specified range.
Prompts the user to guess the number and provides feedback.
Simple and interactive command-line interface.

Higher Lower Game

Generates a random sequence of numbers.
Prompts the user to guess whether the next number will be higher or lower. Simple and interactive command-line interface.

Quiz Time

Interactive quiz with multiple-choice questions.
Provides immediate feedback on the correctness of answers.
Simple and engaging command-line interface.

NATO Alphabet

Converts words into NATO phonetic alphabet.
Simple and interactive command-line interface.
Handles invalid inputs gracefully.

Motivational Quote

Sends a motivational quote every Monday.
Reads quotes from a text file.
Uses Gmail’s SMTP server to send emails.

Birthday Wishing Project

Reads birthday data from a CSV file. Checks for birthdays matching the current date.
Sends personalized birthday emails using SMTP.
Uses random letter templates for variety.

Mail Merge

Reads a list of names from a file.
Reads a template letter from a file.
Replaces the placeholder in the template letter with each name.
Saves the personalized letters to individual files.

Decorator to Count Time

This script provides a simple example of using a decorator to measure the execution time of functions.
It includes two functions, fast_function and slow_function, which are decorated to print their execution times.