Web Scraping Projects

100 Movies to Watch

Fetches the web page containing the list of top 100 movies using the requests library.
Parses the HTML content of the web page using BeautifulSoup.
Extracts the movie titles from the HTML elements.
Writes the movie titles to a text file in reverse order.

Live Site Scraping

Fetches the Hacker News homepage using the requests library. Parses the HTML content of the page using BeautifulSoup.
Extracts the titles, links, and scores of the news articles.
Identifies the article with the highest score and prints its title, link, and score.

Python.org Upcoming Events Scraper

Opens the Python.org website using the Selenium WebDriver.
Extracts the event names and dates from the upcoming events section.
Stores the event details in a dictionary with the event date and name.
Prints the dictionary containing the event details.

Data Entry Automation

This script automates the extraction of apartment listings, including links, prices, and addresses, from a Zillow clone website. It then submits this data to a Google Form.
This can save you time and effort in data entry tasks.