Python Web Development Projects

Higher Lower Game Using Flask

This project is a simple web-based game where users guess a number between 0 and 9.
The game provides feedback on whether the guess is too high, too low, or correct, using Flask for the web framework.

Name Card Using Flask Project

Create digital name cards.
Display name cards in a web browser.
User-friendly design and interface.
Easy to share contact information

Cafe Rating Web App

Add new cafes with details such as name, location, and opening hours.
View a list of all cafes with their ratings.
Rate cafes on a scale of 1 to 5.

Cafe Wifi API

Add new cafes with details such as name, location, and wifi strength.
View a list of all cafes with their wifi details.
Search for cafes based on wifi strength.
Update and delete cafe entries.

Flask Authentication

User registration with email and password.
Secure login and logout functionality.
Password hashing for security.
Session management using Flask-Login.
User profile page.

Full-Stack Blog Website

User registration and authentication.
Create, edit, and delete blog posts.
View a list of all blog posts.
Comment on blog posts.
Responsive design for mobile and desktop.