Requests & APIs Projects
Kanye Quotes
Displays random quotes from Kanye West.
Simple and interactive GUI created with the 'tkinter' module. Retrieves quotes from an online API.
ISS Overhead Notifier
Fetches the current position of the ISS using the Open Notify API.
Checks if the ISS is within +5 or -5 degrees of your location.
Fetches the sunrise and sunset times for your location using the Sunrise-Sunset API.
Determines if it is currently nighttime at your location.
Sends an email notification if both conditions are met (ISS is overhead and it’s nighttime).
Interactive quiz game with multiple-choice questions.
Simple and engaging GUI created with the 'tkinter' module.- Fetches quiz questions from an online API.
Keeps track of the score and provides feedback on answers.
Weather Forecast SMS Notifier
Fetches the weather forecast for the next few hours using the OpenWeatherMap API.
Checks if rain is expected by analyzing the weather condition codes.
Sends an SMS notification via Twilio if rain is expected.
Stock Market Price and News Notifier
Fetches the daily stock price data for Tesla Inc. (TSLA) using the Alpha Vantage API.
Calculates the percentage fluctuation in the stock price.
Fetches the latest news related to Tesla Inc. using the News API.
Sends an SMS notification via Twilio if the stock price fluctuation is greater than or equal to 5%.
Habit Tracker
Creates a user on Pixela.
Creates a graph for tracking a specific habit.
Adds data points to the graph.
Updates existing data points on the graph.
Deletes data points from the graph.
Workout Tracker
Takes user input for the exercise performed.
Fetches exercise data using the Nutritionix API.
Logs the workout data including date, time, exercise, duration, and calories burned to a Google Sheets document using the Sheety API.
Cafe Wifi API
Add new cafes with details such as name, location, and wifi strength.
View a list of all cafes with their wifi details.
Search for cafes based on wifi strength.
Update and delete cafe entries.